Saturday, January 22, 2011

Producing Credit

I know I have been woefully absent here, despite my best intentions. I promise to come back with more "meaty" things to say about LA, but this is a ninja post on an article just tweeted by The Hollywood Reporter.

Apparently, the Producer's Guild of America (I didn't even know about this one) wants to start a system whereby Producers on films would actually have to "produce" in order to be given the designation p.g.a after their name and to be considered for awards as producers of films - for Oscars for example.

As always, I'm seeing both sides to this. I think that it is ridiculous when you see a movie win a prestigious award and the stage is swarmed by 20 people. It's ridiculous when the credits roll and there are 20 people listed as producers. I think those people who are doing all the hard work producing, and suffering the many stresses that go with the job, deserve the credit.

On the other hand, if you are financing a movie and putting up huge amounts of case or if you are agreeing to star in a movie for less than you normally would, you deserve some compensation for that too. Particularly for those financing movies, it's a great little bonus to have your name up there on the big screen and have the possibility of hitting the stage at the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards, or any other awards show. Without that sort of incentive, will there be a negative impact on the already floundering stream of financing trickling into Hollywood?

It will be interesting to see what the impact of this is in the future.
Here's the link to the article for those interested...


  1. Okay, I haven't read the article, just your thoughts, and I have a question -- stemming from one who has no background in the movie-making industry. How does it benefit and actor to get credit as a producer? I really want to know.

    You mentioned playing a role for less than they might and being compensated in other ways -- like credit as a producer. Does it help them like it would help anyone? Add to their resume, basically? Allow them to demand more salary in a different movie, maybe?

    I'm really curious how it all works. Because I'm totally with you -- at the awards shows when the stage is flooded by people simply because the movie won, I'm usually like...who are those guys? :)

    Also? Yay for you blogging again! :)

  2. It is a prestige thing to some extent, but it can also mean they get two pay checks - one for acting and one for producing. Some actors do actually perform producing duties. It can also mean they might not win an award for acting, but they can win as producer. You will notice that all the writers on SPN have some kind of producing credit - it's actually regulated by the WGA. It's really most obvious when somebody's manager gets a producing credit as part of the actor's deal or when a financier gets a producing credit - really the only way their name is going to appear on the movie...
