Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Why your phone needs to be your cable company too...

To continue from yesterday's post, ever wonder why you can't have unlimited data with your mobile phone? Or why it's not at a reasonable rate? If you're in the states, unlimited date simply faded away - did it ever exist in Canada?

So along with the networks going over the top and streaming services being the new networks/studios, we see that Bell Media is now getting their streaming service up and running. Bell... you know, the former phone company.... who charges a premium for all that delicious content data that you'd now like streamed to, say, your phone. Yep. Those data charges on top of your streaming charges are starting to make cable tv seem downright affordable...

Read about Project Latte - really? We're aligning with Starbuck's now? Of course, the link to GMO connection does seem apropos...

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