Thursday, September 23, 2010

Random Quickies

Such an interesting day!

Started at the Paley Center's session for Social Media Week: "Hollywood Gets a Social Media Makeover"
Interesting insights from the higher ups at the likes of Paramount and 20thCentury Fox. They are being more focused on targeting demo's through social media, but they are getting pretty comfortable with the idea of letting FANS drive the bus - change how media is delivered to them and tailor it to what they truly want. Some cool stuff coming.

California highways have several problems. 1. the lanes are WAY too fucking narrow. 2. nobody explained to them that curves should not be FLAT. When you try to go around an unbanked curve at a high rate of speed? Not good... 3. California drivers really are angry. Like ALL the time....

I'm going to be interning with a studio! YES! They have lots for me to do. I suspect the legal work alone will keep me busy. They really do EVERY aspect of the production, so I'm really, really looking forward to seeing each step and learning as much as I can about every aspect - not just the legal stuff.... They acquire the properties and handle every aspect of the production - including foley and editing and shipping... I can't wait!

Southwestern Law School is awesome. Maybe this is indicative of law school in the States, but I do NOT feel that overwhelming stress and cut throat mentality I always felt at UWO. I answered one question in Trademark - and it was a good one - dignity re-established - but that's my own personal phobia and has nothing to do with how the class is taught. It's a wonderful class. Great content and energy, and a terrific atmosphere for dialogue. Here is the best exchange I think I've EVER heard in a law class.
Hand up.
"Yes? You have a question?"
"I don't get any of this. I'm completely confused." (just the level of comfort to be able to blurt that out in class!!!!)
"You're giving me no way in here...."
And it was completely obvious that he wanted one. He wasn't pissy that she wasn't "getting it" or demeaning. He found different cases and analogies to clear up the concepts and the discussion continued.
I am excited to go to class. I'm actually engaged with the material - like 110%

And now I must pack.... for it's home to my boys tomorrow!

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